Our home is once again calmer. Smokey stayed with us for almost 5 months this time, and being five years old now, more settled, smarter, and the king of snuggling, it was a wonderful few months, even though four dogs in one household was wearing at times. I miss him. My Scotties have been looking for him. Trixie, who feared him terribly a few years ago, grew to love him and they snuggled and slept side by side. Max the herder, would rouse him each morning to go outside for the AM potty trip. Maggie made sure she was still the queen sitting by my side or lap even with Smokey sleeping next to me on the couch, just to remind him she is the alpha dog of this house. Smokey knew something special was happening as Kenny set things out for the drive out to LA to take Smokey back to Walker. Smokey was gathering a few toys and dropping them by the door along with his crate, food, blankets, etc. When the final load was done, the front door open, Smokey sprinted to the car knowing he was going home. When the car pulled up at Walker's he once again sprinted and jumped up on "his boy" giving him kisses of happy reunion. My girls are again sitting on my lap and tolerating me being on my laptop, Smokey would lay his head on the keyboard and let me know it was time for all my attention to go to him. He is such a love. I just love dogs, I miss him, but he and Walker have a very special bond and it is good they are once again home together.