Sunday, February 8, 2009

Blogging….and Authentic Writing

I have participated in live blogging with my colleague’s students. Live blogging is moderated by the administrator (my colleague) and the students know my wiki and blogger name so they are aware there are more than just the students themselves blogging. The administrator screens the comments and questions prior to allowing the post to go online. To some, this may seem squelching freedoms, however, this is a relatively new tool and learning how to do this appropriately, academically, and ethically is a learning process. The students want to see their responses posted, by participating in a live blog, it encourages them to think and organize prior to writing and posting….just the same as when they are in the writing process on paper.

I first set up a blog for personal use quite some time ago…last summer I am thinking. I set it up and then realized I didn’t know what I wanted to do with it! So, that was abandoned. In recent months, after reading more blogs, both personal and educational, I started to envision the purpose of my blog. We are very focused on literacy in my building and have established a goal that 100% of our staff will be involved in writing, along with our students. I often feel my writing is personal and I don’t want to post it for the entire world to see. I have done my part working towards our school’s writing goal; however several times on paper to only be set aside in a hiding place. This has all jolted me to realize my procrastination (fear) had to come to an end. Finally, last month I took the plunge and started to be brave enough to post some writing. Also, having to meet the 2.0 class requirements, more pushing, I have to do this!

Deb’s Dabbles at least for now, will be both personal and educational posts.

As for incorporating blogs into my educational environment, I see students from kindergarten through the fifth grade and for very short periods of time. I am able to connect beyond the time constraints with the 4th and 5th graders as they are using wikis in the classrooms. Given where we are right now (CSAP and eventually more MAP assessments coming quickly) I would like to develop a blog for interested students to participate in over the summer. I am thinking we can discuss a couple of books to read and respond to, and also do some blogging on current topics. This would encourage reading, writing, and thinking; and equally as important, let us keep connected over the summer (as we are all going in different directions at the close of this school year).

I know I need to further think out the management of this and welcome ideas and thoughts which will help me achieve this.